
I’ve come to learn that colorism is man made and NOT God made. If you are a person who believes in God then you shouldn’t be concerned about the rules that man makes anyways right? God didn’t make a mistake when he gave us the skin that we are in no matter how light or how dark. Your skin serves a purpose for what you are to do in this life, who you can reach and who will receive you. God is versatile and he loves all different shades and colors which is why he made you and me. So what is to be said about one skin tone being more received then the other? Well the good news about this is it opens the door for the need to depend on God more which is what he wants from all of us anyway. Whether we accept it or not we were all put on this earth to do something that will reach and touch lives in a special way but with all the different people and personalities in the world, one person alone can not reach and touch everyone’s life no matter how amazing, light or dark he or she is. So, God created you and me to assist with reaching others as he knows some people will receive lighter, darker, taller, shorter, heavier etc. because let’s face it, our appearance can have an influence on how we are received by others and God knows this.
The bottom line is, the Bible says that God knows the number of hairs on our heads; so if he has taken the time to pay that much attention to detail with us then there is no way he just randomly gave us the skin that we are in. He did so with wisdom and purpose! So if you are a person who has been a victim of colorism in anyway, I pray that you be encouraged by knowing that God made you just the way you are on purpose and no matter what privilege man may or may not give you, God has given you all the PROVISION that you will ever need to do whatever it is he has called you to do and his provision overrules mans privilege any day!

Gwendolyn Onuoha