Broken Friendships

There is so much information out there about how to get over a traditional break up. Things like, What to do after she left you or How to get over him. But little do I see information about what to do if you loose what was once a valued friendship. Especially when you might be confused about how the friendship ended or if you thought that person would be your ride or die friend and they just suddenly got off the ride. Has anybody been there? Well I have, and after my most recent experience;  I believe I have learned three steps that can help you overcome broken friendships and I would like to share them with you. Here we go. Number 1, mourn the relationship. The reality is regardless of if you know why the relationship ended or not, it’s still a sad and disappointing situation and it’s okay to mourn it. To mourn something means to feel sad or regret for a loss. loosing a friendship can definitely be a loss, so go ahead and deal with it by mourning it. Number two, take control and make the decision to move on! I found it a total waste of time and energy to go back and forth about what happened, how this happened and not understanding why it happened. The bottom line is it happened. Maybe your on a new level in your life and the old friends just can’t rise to the occasion and go with you or maybe you just innocently drifted apart. Nonetheless you have to control your mindset and tell yourself that I’m moving on and am no longer allowing this past friendship to hold me back. Last but not least step three, you must forgive. This is really the most important steps of them all. Forgiveness is truly for you and not the other person. Without forgiveness step one and two are in vein and won’t stick. You will always be mourning and sad and you will definitely go over and over the circumstances in your mind especially when you see them or pictures of them. Once forgiveness comes into your heart you will be totally free. Now just to be clear I hear people say all the time that, “I can forgive but I can’t  forget”. Well that maybe true, you may not forget the situation especially depending on how much it effected you but the difference in true forgiveness  is that whenever you do think about the situation, you will be pain and sad free!! And believe me it is the most treasured feeling in the world! 
The ending of friendships can be just as detrimental as the end of a romantic relationship making it just as important to learn how to deal with the ending of a friendship as you would a romantic relationship. So take heed to these steps and free yourself! So there you have it, some information about how to heal from broken friendships. Hope this helps!

Gwendolyn Onuoha